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Trustmate reviews will help drive valuable traffic to your store, increase your position in search results and encourage potential customers to buy from your store. The app has been designed to make it easier to aggregate opinions and ratings for both the store and products that You sell it in it. How it works? Installation of the application is easy and simple.

It is enough to use the data that was provided when setting up the Shoper store. The Trustmate app can be found in your store with just one click.

  1. The customer buys in your store.
  2. You ask for an opinion.
  3. The customer issues it and goes to the thank you page

By aggregating opinions, you gain a market advantage and encourage customers to make further purchases. By choosing the application from Trustmate you also gain:

  • Trustworthy Company Certificate.
  • TrustMate business card.
  • Widgets with company and product ratings.
  • Facebook plugin with reviews
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Getreview - moduł opinii

Getreview - moduł opinii

Opinions in the online store with the GetReview module

Step 1 / 2

Start your 14-day free trial

Your data is fully secure with us. We need it to send your store login details.

By providing your email address you accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Personal Data Administrator Information expand
You can withdraw your consent at any time by sending a request to the following email address: Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out before its withdrawal. The administrator of your personal data is Shoper S.A., headquartered in Kraków (61-375), at 9 Pawia Street. More information about the processing of personal data, including your rights, can be found in the Privacy Policy.

Step 2 / 2

Set up a store in 1 minute
and enjoy 14 days for free

A special offer of  419 PLN net / first year for Shoper Standard