Booster for WooCommerce (free)
First things first, everyone needs this. The go-to beginner's bundle, ‘The Poor Guys Swiss Knife’ was great but it’s now been abandoned by its developers. In its place, we recommend Booster. It’s the basic bundle of apps and plugins that take care of all the simple features that you need for your eCommerce store to function. Without a doubt, one of the best WooCommerce Plugins.
Beeketing Marketing Automation (free)
Marketing is one of the first things that an online seller usually struggles with. And by marketing, I don't mean putting a link to your store on Facebook. I mean honest, well-planned and solid marketing that really makes a difference.Beeketing is a company that has made a plugin based on exactly that - what WooCommerce sellers want.It takes care of:
- Up-selling & Cross-selling
- Discounts & Free shipping
- Personalization & recommended products
- Social proof
- way-way more - too much to be listed in dot-point.
Suffice to say, that this plugin removes a whole lot of pain that you'd encounter when taking a traditional approach to marketing.If you're new to the world of online marketing, then this is an app that can...well...take care of it all!
WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts ($29)
The Dynamic Pricing plug-in is nearly endless in its possibilities. You know when you plan to buy 1 thing online but you end up buying 3 or 4 extra things because they were cheap? Yeah, this is the app that is responsible for that! 15% off if you spend over $85. Buy 1 get one free. Used in conjunction with social media campaigns to boost customer loyalty, this Plug-in can be the workhorse of your backend.

WooCommerce Currency Switcher (free)
Help take your brand worldwide by showing your prices in the currency that your customer wants to see. This plugin allows your customers to switch to different currencies and get their rates converted in the real time. The currency can also be changed automatically according to the user's geographic location. Another widget that adds value to your customers by giving them more custom information.

Encourage a sale by offering payment in the customer’s currency.
WooCommerce RRP (free)
Want to show your customers how much they’re saving if they buy now? To do that, you need to show them your RRP. This app allows you to write text in front of the current price on a product page. A very simple yet effective app to increase conversion!

A simple, yet effective way to encourage a conversion.
Want to know more about increasing your ecommerce conversions?
Read the article:25 Ways to Optimize your Ecommerce Conversion Rate (read now.)
Stripe for WooCommerce (free)
Stripe allows you to take credit card payments on your site without having sensitive credit card information hit your servers. Until now, it’s been overly complex and aimed at developed. But thanks to this app, you’re now able to use sensitive credit card payment information as take a payment- without every being at risk yourself. A must have if you plan on accepting Credit Card payments.
WooCommerce Germanized (free)
Germany can be a tough nut to crack. With some tight eCommerce regulations, making sure that your store is set up correctly is essential for getting your brand in Deutschland. Germanized does exactly that. It is regularly updated by German developers who are on top of all things related to WooCommerce and German eCommerce. This app takes care of your checkout layout, fees, invoices, terms and conditions, the works!

Take the trouble out of selling in Germany. Wundabar!
WooCommerce MailChimp (free)
We all know the importance of an email campaign. Make that important process much easier by using the Woocommerce Mailchimp app. Automatically subscribe your buyers to a list based on their checkout parameters or manually allocate them to a new list. This app takes care of all the legal ‘opt-in’ requirements, leaving you with more time to write a killer email campaign. Simply an essential plugin to streamline efficiency.One other topic that's hard to pass up talking about is website speed. Wordpress is known for being notoriously slow.But with a few tricks and maybe a plugin or two, your Wordpress blog can be loading as quick as a flash. This onlinemediamasters.com article discusses some of the best Wordpress plugins to make your website load faster.There you have it! 10 of the best WooCommerce Plugins to help streamline your online selling.Are you a WooCommerce user? What are your favourite apps?Did we forget anything? Let us know in the comments!
przeczytaj także
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.